WEBINAR – Financing diaspora entrepreneurs in the digital age: Digital platforms and tools

19 January 2023


ANIMA organised a webinar on Financing Diaspora Entrepreneurs in the Digital Age: Digital Platforms and Tools, on January 19, 2023.

The MEET Africa program aims to create value in Africa. It is aimed on the one hand at entrepreneurs from the diaspora and more generally at all project holders who have links with Africa, wish to develop their activities on the continent and are looking for information on business opportunities and existing mechanisms to accompany and support them in their approach in the various African countries.

It is also aimed at public and private support structures for entrepreneurs in Africa and Europe, who wish to better understand the particularities of the diaspora entrepreneur’s journey and the tools and services available to them in order to refine their support strategy.

The webinar allowed investors in Africa and African and European actors who accompany the implementation of business projects to exchange on digital tools that contribute to the financing of projects of entrepreneurs in Africa.

  • Mr Ange Ahyi, Africa Project Manager, EuroQuity by Bpifrance
  • Mr Eric Ntonfo, Founder of FIATOP Invest
  • Ms Virginie Ruyer, ANIMA Investment Network

Watch the replay of the webinar here

This webinar is organised in the framework of the MEET Africa 2 programme implemented by Expertise France, financed by the European Union and AFD – Agence Française de Développement in partnership with ANIMA.