WEBINAR – EXPERIENCE SHARING | Tunisian diaspora entrepreneurs: What opportunities and support?
16 March 2023
ANIMA organised a webinar on “Entrepreneurs from the Tunisian diaspora: what opportunities and support?“, on March 16, 2023.
True sharing of experience, this webinar gives the floor to organisations supporting entrepreneurs in the Tunisian diaspora. These structures share their support offers and the opportunities present on the market as part of a business project in Tunisia. Entrepreneurs are also invited to participate and contribute to the dialogue to share their journey.
The MEET Africa program aims to create value in Africa. It is aimed on the one hand at entrepreneurs from the diaspora and more generally at all project holders who have links with Africa, wish to develop their activities on the continent and are looking for information on business opportunities and existing mechanisms to accompany and support them in their approach in the various African countries.
Our guest speakers shared tools and solutions to support entrepreneurs of the diaspora in their project in Africa – Read their biography
- Ms Nadia Touil, Deputy Director, General Promotion Directorate and Head of the CTE Support Unit – FIPA Tunisia
- Ms Ines Trojette, Secretary General of ATUGE, Associate Professor in Economics ESPI Paris
- Ms Ibtissem Kerdjani, Project Manager – Lab’ess
- Mr Michel Bauza, Director – North Africa from Business France
- Ms Rhim Wahiba, Project Manger – ICMPD
Watch the replay of the webinar here
This webinar is organised in the framework of the MEET Africa 2 programme implemented by Expertise France with the support of ANIMA, financed by the European Union and AFD – Agence Française de Développement