WEBINAR – Covid crisis investment opportunities : attracting new projects while protecting your economy from predators

28 October 2021


Organised by ANIMA in the framework of EBSOMED

The health crisis has triggered two movements. Some countries intend to take advantage of the crisis to attract new investments and benefit from a movement to relocate value chains. What are their strategies to reassure and motivate these investors? Other countries fear predation by external investors on their national enterprises, especially those weakened by the crisis. What are their strategies for selecting inward investors and protecting companies that are strategic for their territory?

The webinar examined strategies in developing countries and OECD countries, and presented the practical case of the national strategy in Egypt.
  • Alexandre de Crombrugghe, Economist & Project Manager, Investment Division, Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs, OCDE
  • Achim Hartig, Managing Director, German Trade & Invest

Watch the replay of the webinar here