WEBINAR – AgriTech : between dependency and opportunities, the future of a strategic sector for the Mediterranean

Sector : Agro-alimentaire

31 March 2022


Webinar AgriTech

Current events show how Mediterranean -and non-Mediterranean, food security systems are vulnerable to external shocks. 

Their water resources are becoming rarer, and their energy efficiency is still underdeveloped. In this context, AgriTech offers solutions that aim to decrease agriculture’s waste and dependence on mechanical and chemical inputs, thereby reducing environmentally damaging practices while enhancing productivity with better quality products and reducing production costs. 

At the same time, entrepreneurship in the region is rapidly growing and is offering fast solutions to climate and resources related challenges through adoption of AgriTech projects. 

This means that AgriTech entrepreneurship is also solving issues related to dependency on the volatile global economy, job creation, while committing to climate change mitigation targets.  

Let’s find out how AgriTech applications hold a lot of potentials for this region especially if circular economy entrepreneurship was encouraged and administrative procedures streamlined. 

Why you need to watch #NOWANDLIVE on AgriTech ?  

  1. meet key players in the field from different countries 
  2. come to discover the new trends 
  3. get more familiar with the AgriTech value chain, the dependency relationships  
  4. identify the challenges of this key sector for innovation 

AgriTech in the Mediterranean region in 5 minutes

This live stream gathered around the table: 

  • Policy makers and national authorities launching specific provisions for AgriTech players 
  • Tech hubs launching dedicated acceleration programs for entrepreneurs and who catalyse a pool of opportunities for investors 
  • Startups from THE NEXT SOCIETY community renewing the agriculture sector and bringing new solutions   
  • Clusters, first witnesses of the sector’s value chain transformation and voice for the sector’s needs 

Watch the replay 

THE NEXT SOCIETY #NOWANDLIVE are organised by FEMISE and ANIMA in the framework of ANIMA international webinar series. Have a look to the upcoming #NOWANDLIVE here