TRAINING – Cluster Online Academy

From 10 May 2023 to 22 May 2023


Euromed Clusters Forward offers 15 free accesses for a online workshop on sectoral watch worth 800 euros per participant on 10, 12 and 22 of May 2023 from 2pm to 5 pm.

You are a cluster and you want to join with 2 of your members working in automotive & aerospace; mechanics & mechatronics or logistics? Then register now to get one the free accesses*!

How to build your development strategy as a MENA clusterFocus on sectoral watch

3 online sessions of 3 hours each completed by personal work for a total of 18 hours on:

  • Designing a sectoral strategy
  • Designing a business model
  • Implementing the strategy / Deploying the roadmap

At the end of the workshop participants will be able to:

  • Design a development strategy for their cluster, through benchmarking and monitoring, and build a customized roadmap;
  • Build the most appropriate business model for their sector to ensure its sustainability while delivering the best services to their members;
  • Conduct participatory workshops within their own cluster to refine and implement their development roadmap.

The training consists of collaborative workshops allowing a very personalized and interactive learning by doing pedagogy – Download the agenda

This event will be conducted in English, there will be no translation.

Submit your application

*Participation mandatory: Your participation to all sessions in the programme is mandatory: 10, 12 and 22 of May 2023 from 2pm to 5pm [GMT+2]

About the expert

Nathalie JARDINIER has been Director of Project Strategy at TEAM Henri Fabre since May 2022. She has been a consulting engineer for more than 15 years in Industrial Performance, Safety and Environment.

Eligibility & selection criteria

  • Countries: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, and Tunisia
  • Cluster management team & member companies in the following sectors: automotive & aerospace; mechanics & mechatronics or logistics
  • Be registered on ECCP Platform

The selection process will be based on the following elements:

  1. 3 participants per cluster (management team + companies representatives)
  2. Balance between the 7 eligible countries
  3. Balance between the 3 eligible sectors
  4. Motivation and expectations

For additional information, please contact Raphaële COHEN, Project Director: 

This academy is implemented by ANIMA Investment Network and its partners in the framework of the Euromed Clusters Forward project.