THE NEXT SOCIETY – Impact conference

10 November 2021

On November 10th, THE NEXT SOCIETY is organising an event to highlight its impact over the past 5 years. 

This event will be a good opportunity to gather THE NEXT SOCIETY and ANIMA’s partners, THE NEXT SOCIETY beneficiaries (clusters, researchers, start-ups), policy makers, members from the European Commission, and people interested in the project, to have a look at 5 years of achievements

The community of innovation actors!

Since 2017, ANIMA and some thirty partners from Europe and the southern Mediterranean, including many members of the network, have been involved in THE NEXT SOCIETY initiative with the support of the European Union. This community of actors, which has continued to grow since then, has taken up the challenge of a more innovative Mediterranean, in the strategies developed by the public authorities, in the connections established for its innovators, in its positioning as a regional space contributing to sustainable development on the planet.

Something concrete!

After almost 5 years of implementation, we have decided to highlight and celebrate the successes of the project: individual, collective, exemplary or more structuring successes that contribute to creating a more attractive, more integrated Mediterranean. These concrete achievements will be presented during an online conference on 10 November 2021 at 10.00 am (GMT+2) and will serve as a starting point to ask ourselves how to further strengthen our impact.

We are waiting for you!

We will highlight the impact of THE NEXT SOCIETY and its beneficiaries through 3 different sessions:

  • Renewed public strategies for innovation in the region
  • “WE ARE THE NEXT SOCIETY” successes and partnerships created within the community
  • Towards a new post-Covid Mediterranean model: new sectors and strategies for the region

Registrations are open! You can already register to attend the whole event here.

As THE NEXT SOCIETY is about our beneficiarieseveryone can actively participate to the event and its preparation, not only as guests but also as players of this collective journey! Please send us names, articles, contacts, stories… from THE NEXT SOCIETY participants, so that we can highlight their achievements during our communication campaign before and during the Impact Conference. If you want to present during the event itself, you can also discuss it with us. 

We offer you two ways of sharing your story with us : 

  • Fill the form if you are a startup hereif you are a cluster or a researcher-entrepreneur, fill this form
  • You can also send us success stories or to discuss a pitch for the event, please reach out to: Sarah Hassnaoui, Project officer at ANIMA:

More information to come & be ready for the impact!