Technical farming: links between suppliers and agro-pastoralists – M. Hussein
Dr. Mahmoud Hussein, Professor of Theriogenology, Vice-Dean of the Faculty Of Veterinary at the Beni Suef University in Egypt, participated to...
Recent developments for sustainable dairy SMEs in Egypt O. – Aita
Mr. Osman Aita, Assistant Professor and Director of the CP Dairy Lab in Egypt, participated to the 3rd Mediterranean Seminar of the LACTIMED...
Technological centers role in the Egyptian dairy sector development – A. El-Kady
Doctor Amgad El-Kady, Executive Director at the Food and Agro Industries Technology Center (FAITC) in Egypt, participated to the 3rd...
The dairy value chain in Lebanon: key issues and challenges – S. Medawar
Professor Samir Medawar, President of the Faculty of Agronomia at the University of Lebanon, participated to the 3rd Mediterranean Seminar of...
The Tunisian dairy chain – F. Khamassi
Mr. Fethi Khamassi, Deputy Director for Animal Processing at the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mines fo Tunisia, participated to the 3rd...
The construction of cluster in Veneto: key issues and methods – A. Scudeller
Mrs. Alessandra Scudeller, Responsible of the agri-food quality sector and controls at the Veneto Region in Italy, participated to the 3rd...
Impact of large companies strategies on local development: Pinar dairy (Turkey) – S. Tozanli
Mrs. Selma Tozanli, from the CIHEAM-MIA of Montpellier, participated to the 2nd Mediterranean Seminar of the LACTIMED project in Zahle, Lebanon,...
International policies on animal health and quality – S. Tozanli
Mrs. Selma Tozanli, Doctor at the CIHEAM-IAMM, participated to the 3rd Mediterranean Seminar of the LACTIMED project in Alexandria, Egypt,...
The food quality center in the Bekaa: serving innovation – G. Jabbour
Mrs. Gloria Hanna Jabbour, Quality and Product Development Manager at the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Zahle and the Bekaa...
Development strategy of the Tunisian dairy chain 2015-2020 – A. Sakly, R. Ouhichi and F. Khamassi
Doctor Abdelhamid Sakly, Mr. Riadh OUHICHI and Mr. Fathi KHAMASSI participated to the 3rd Mediterranean Seminar of the LACTIMED project in...
Dairy products, legislative framework, current and future prospective in Egypt – H. Mansour
Mr. Hussein Mansour, from the National Food Safety Authority - Management Unit at the Ministry of Trade, Industry, Medium and Small Enterprises...
The Food Technology Research Institute (Egypt) – E. Essawy
Professor and Doctor Ehab Essawy, from the Agricultural Research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation of Egypt,...
The strategy of the Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture (in Arabic) – O. Rifai
Doctor Omar O. Rifai, Head of the Animal Resources Departament of the Bekaa in Lebanon, participated to the 2nd Mediterranean Seminar of the...
Development pathways in some dairy basins – J.P. Boutonnet
Mr. Pierre Boutonnet, from the CIHEAM-MIA of Montpellier, participated to the 2nd Mediterranean Seminar of the LACTIMED project in Zahle,...
Supporting tools to innovation and development in Veneto (Italy) – A. Scudeller
Mrs. Alessandra Scudeller, Director of Agriculture and Agrifood from Veneto region, in Italy, participated to the 2nd Mediterranean Seminar of...
The Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute – J. Kahwaji
Mr. Joseph Kahwaji, from the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI), participated to the 2nd Mediterranean Seminar of the LACTIMED...
Public policies supporting food chains in Greece – G. Vlontzos
Mr. George Vlontzos, from the Departement of Agriculture Crop Production and Rural Development at the University of Thessaly, participated to...
Recovery and Rehabilitation of Dairy Sector in Lebanon – C. Kayouli
Mr. Kayouli, from the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations in Lebanon, participated to the 2nd Mediterranean Seminar of the...
ESIAT: training women in rural areas – S. Boudiche and M. Boularès
Mrs. Sonia Boudiche and Mouna Boularès, from the Higher Institute of Food Industries of Tunis (ESIAT), participated to the 2nd Mediterranean...
ESIAT presentation – S. Boudiche and M. Boularès
Mrs. Sonia Boudiche and Mouna Boularès, from the Higher Institute of Food Industries of Tunis (ESIAT), participated to the 2nd Mediterranean...
The role of universities on agro-industrial innovation – S. Boudiche and M. Boularès
Mrs. Sonia Boudiche and Mrs. Mouna Boularès, from the Higher Institute of Food Industries of Tunis (ESIAT), participated to the 2nd...
Improving dairy products and milk quality – S. Boudiche and M. Boularès
Mrs. Sonia Boudiche and Mrs. Mouna Boularès, from the Higher Institute of Food Industries of Tunis, participated to the 2nd Mediterranean...
The cluster approach II: methodologies – A. Bencharif
Mr. Abdelhamid Bencharif, from the CIHEAM - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier, participated to the 1st Mediterranean Seminar of...
Improving the competitiveness of the Bekaa dairy products (Lebanon) – S. Gedeon
Mr. Said Gedeon, Deputy Director at the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Zahle and the Bekaa, participated to the 2nd...
Technical and organisational dimensions of industrial-breeders relationships – J.P. Boutonnet
Mr. Jean Pierre Boutonnet, Associate Professor and Researcher at the Mediterranean Agricultural Institute of Montpellier (CIHEAM-MAI),...
Developing agricultural products from Khorgalia (Tunisia) – S. Boudiche and M. Boularès
Mrs. Sonia Boudiche and Mrs. Mouna Boularès, from The Higher Institute of Food Industries of Tunis, participated to the 2nd Mediterranean...
From a confidential production to a structured value chain: the Rocamadour DOP D. Chambon
Mr. Dominique CHAMBON, President of CNAOL (Conseil National des Appellations d'Origine Laitières) in France participated to the first...
The distinctive quality signs – A. Sbaï
Mr. Abdelaziz SBAI, Professor at Hassan II Institute of Agriculture and Veterinary of Morocco, participated to the first Mediterranean Seminar...
The Moroccan legislative framework of distinctive signs of origin and quality – A. Sbaï
Mr. Abdelaziz SBAI, Professor at the Hassan II Institute of Agriculture and Veterinary of Morocco, participated to the first Mediterranean...
The dairy milk market structure in Morocco – A. Sbaï
Mr. Abdelaziz SBAI, Professor at the Hassan II Institute of Agriculture and Veterinary of Morocco participated to the first Mediterranean...