WEBINAR – EXPERIENCE SHARING : How to mobilise skills and funding from the diaspora’s high-level talents?

22 December 2022


ANIMA organised in the framework of the MEET Africa project a webinar on the mobilisation of skills and financing of high talents from the diaspora on 22 December 2022.

Who is it for?

The structure of support for entrepreneurs in Africa, public or private, who want to know the strategies put in place by their peers in neighboring countries.

What is the context?  

MEET Africa (European Mobilization for Entrepreneurship in Africa) is a diaspora entrepreneurship development project between Europe and Africa implemented by Expertise France, co-financed with 8.5 million euros by the European Union and the French Development Agency. The MEET Africa 2 program aims to support and accompany inspiring projects led by actors of the African diaspora. The mobilization of support networks in Europe and Africa is one of the conditions for the success of projects that will be developed.

Our guest speakers shared tools and solutions to support entrepreneurs of the diaspora in their project in Africa:

  • Mr Alioune SEGA SENE, Associated Founder Sène & Cie and Cofounder Bridging Angels, Administrator of IOKA Holding
  • Mr Samir BOUZIDI, CEO & Founder of the startup Impact Diaspora
  • Mr Naoufal CHAMA, Founder & President of StartUp Maroc

Watch the replay of the webinar here

This webinar was organised in the framework of the MEET Africa 2 programme implemented by Expertise France, financed by the European Union and AFD – Agence Française de Développement