TRAINING – The ANIMA network deploys its webinar programme to respond to the crisis and prepare for the future
Published on 30 June 2020
If the COVID-19 health crisis prevents our network from meeting physically, it also invites us to rethink the format of our discussions.
In this context, we would like to draw your attention to the ANIMA International Webinar Series and the upcoming sessions based on experience-sharing that we are implementing with our members’ support.
The ANIMA experience-sharing webinars are key for understanding the economic impact of the COVID-19 health crisis and will set the scene for developing responses to support businesses in the region and foresee the opportunities ahead. The 1st Policy Lab will also present Tunisia’s experience in developing its Start-Up Act, which is an exemplary approach to developing public policy in collaboration with civil society.
Register ?
The ANIMA International Webinar Series is open all participants looking for inspiration and best practices from professionals of attractiveness and country marketing, business support experts and innovation development stakeholders.
Participation is free of charges.
Save the date & spread the word!
1st Policy Lab: Unravel the Tunisian Start-up Act
Organised by INSME in the framework of THE NEXT SOCIETY
29 June 2020 at 13h GMT – This webinar will unravel the challenges faced for the Tunisia Start-up Act implementation and its impact on the Tunisian entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Consult here the agenda and the confirmed speakers
React to the Covid 19 Crisis | Aftercare and support services for enterprises
Organised by ANIMA in the framework EBSOMED
7 July 2020 at 9h GMT – This webinar feature experts and testimonials from support agencies for companies faced on this issue.
- Paulus Wessendorp, Chief Investment Promotion Section, UNCTAD
- Virginie Poncet, Head of International Expertise Activities, BPI France
- Speaker to be confirmed
COVID-19 and the promotion of private investment in the francophone space; what provisions for sustainable investment?
Organised by RIAFPI with ANIMA participation
10 July 2020 at 10h GMT – FRENCH ONLY – This webinar feature experts from international organisations and investment promotion agencies dealing with this issue.
Click here to join the Zoom webinar here
React to the Covid 19 Crisis | Strategic intelligence and sector prospective
Organised by ANIMA with Business France in the framework EBSOMED
This webinar feature experts and testimonials from support agencies for companies faced on this issue.
Speakers soon to be announced