Start Africa Morocco
- Morocco
- 2023
- 2024
- 2025
As part of the “Link up Africa” programme funded by the European Union, for which Enabel is responsible for implementation, ANIMA has been asked to draw up a proposal for action aimed at strengthening technical cooperation and academic and economic links between Morocco and other African countries, with the emphasis on developing economic opportunities for young people. Start Africa Maroc proposes an intervention with the general objective of helping to improve employment prospects for students from sub-Saharan Africa in Morocco by putting in place targeted initiatives to promote their professional development and stimulate their socio-economic integration into the Moroccan economy or that of the country of resettlement.
More specifically, the project aims to build the capacity of Moroccan career centres to support student entrepreneurship and to mobilise platforms and networks of players supporting entrepreneurship, while encouraging the entrepreneurial initiatives of students and graduates by providing them with pre-incubation support to set up their own business.
Start Africa Maroc will also organise the launch of a competition in the form of a call for applications aimed at identifying and selecting 150 to 180 wanabee entrepreneurs, so that they can benefit from support in the form of a pre-incubation programme, alternating between workshops and individual coaching. In the second phase, 40 entrepreneurs will be selected from a pitching competition to benefit from an advanced support programme tailored to their individual needs. They will be supported until they are placed in incubators in Morocco or in their country of origin to ensure the success of their entrepreneurial project.