MedVentures – Stimulating innovators and entrepreneurs in the Mediterranean

- Algeria
- Egypt
- EU member countries
- Jordan
- Lebanon
- Morocco
- Palestine
- Tunisia
The MedVentures project is the other component of The Next Society initiative, which focuses on supporting innovative entrepreneurs, startups and clusters in the Mediterranean. MedVentures extends the strategic action implemented by MedValley at the micro-economic level and offers the possibility for Mediterranean innovation ecosystems to implement themselves a support to startups and innovators.
Mobilizing among its partners incubators and innovation centres in the South Mediterranean, MedVentures implements pilot actions at the micro level in order to develop the capacities and international links of the main actors of innovation.
MedVentures mobilizes the innovation community in the Mediterranean, enabling it to increase its international visibility and technological partnerships. By implementing a startup acceleration programme, the project aims to strengthen the competitiveness and international influence of Mediterranean entrepreneurs and innovators.
MedVentures also targets the development of Mediterranean clusters and the structuring of their innovation service offer, in order to maximize their leverage effect on member startups and SMEs. To this end, a cluster support programme has been launched to strengthen their performance and their international connections with other Mediterranean clusters.
technology transfer & innovation | acceleration & development of startups | economic cooperation