Invest in Med – Development of investments and business partnerships in the Mediterranean

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • EU member countries
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Morocco
  • Palestine
  • Syria
  • Tunisia
  • Turkey

The “Invest in Med” programme has strengthened the competitiveness of the Mediterranean region, boosted investments in the region and strengthened partnerships between economic actors on both shores of the Mediterranean. The objective of Invest in Med was to improve the business climate in the Mediterranean, to boost exchanges between SMEs and to foster the economic integration of the region, by bringing together public institutional actors and private organisations.
In this respect, the project carried out twenty structuring initiatives in favour of the economic development of the Mediterranean countries. These projects aimed to develop cross-cutting services such as access to financing, women’s entrepreneurship, improved product traceability, participation of economic diasporas, etc. The project also aimed to promote the development of the Mediterranean region’s economic development. Invest in Med has thus helped to attract foreign investments and to create partnerships facilitating the development of SMEs.
Several economic intelligence services were also implemented under the program: piloting of a Mediterranean investment observatory, studies on investment opportunities by sector and analysis of territorial development strategies.
Invest in Med also enabled the creation of clusters in key sectors for the diversification of Mediterranean industry, notably logistics and the green economy.

Investment promotion | business competitiveness | economic cooperation