EuroMed@Change – Support for the internationalization of SMEs and startups in the Mediterranean region

- Egypt
- EU member countries
- Lebanon
- Morocco
- Tunisia
The overall objective of the EuroMed@Change project was to encourage the internationalisation of SMEs and young entrepreneurs by building on Mediterranean clusters and a sustainable cooperation framework between the EU, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Lebanon. The project focused on high-potential market segments in 5 strategic sectors: agro-food; creative industries; energy; tourism; and green technologies.
At the macro-economic level, the EuroMed@Change project has improved the Euro-Mediterranean public-private dialogue on entrepreneurship and innovation by bringing together strategic partners to design new strategies and develop synergies between them.
The project also set up a Euro-Mediterranean network of incubators and strengthened the capacities of clusters and business networks dedicated to the internationalisation of SMEs and young entrepreneurs. At the meso-economic level, EuroMed@Change has thus developed Euro-Mediterranean cross-border services for startups and SMEs.
Through training, coaching, and the organization of meetings between entrepreneurs and investors, the project has also provided support and coaching services to startups and SMEs at the micro-economic level. More than 1,400 matchmakings between SMEs, startups, clusters and investors from the North and South of the Mediterranean have been carried out.
clusters and corporate networks | business internationalisation | economic cooperation