EBSOMED – Strengthening business support organizations and business networks in the Southern Neighborhood
- Algeria
- Egypt
- Israel
- Jordan
- Lebanon
- Libya
- Morocco
- Palestine
- Syria
- Tunisia
EBSOMED aims to promote the Mediterranean business and entrepreneurial ecosystem by stimulating investment and job creation in the region through capacity building of Business Support Organizations (BSOs) in the Southern Neighbourhood countries. EBSOMED intends to increase the overall management capacity of BSOs in the region by improving the services they offer to Euro-Mediterranean SMEs.
The project has a strong training component. By offering training courses for the staff of Mediterranean business support organizations, EBSOMED strengthens the skills of the BSOs in the region.
The project promotes alternative sources of financing for BSOs and SMEs, helping to increase the efficiency and availability of specific measures to promote access to bank financing: credit guarantee schemes, non-bank financing (microfinance, leasing, factoring, etc.), venture capital or Business Angels networks.
The strength of the EBSOMED project lies in the project partners that bring together the main networks of business organizations and representative bodies in the Euro-Med region.
capacity development | investment promotion | regional cooperation