Internationals events

Academics & Innovation hubs Business & Investment promotion organisations Policy maker

Every year, ANIMA organises seminars, forums or conferences related to the economic development, attractiveness and competitiveness of the territories.
These events are opportunities to strengthen networking and partnerships between the economic actors that revolve around ANIMA, to exchange or share expertise on issues of interest, and to promote the territories hosting these events.

These events are generally organised in association with a partner of the network. Among the important events co-organised by ANIMA, we can highlight:

  • the Mediterranean Economic Week coordinated by ANIMA between 2006 and 2009, the MedVentures Forum in 2010 and the EMEA Business Forum in 2016 in Marseille (France), with the local authorities of Marseille and Provence Alpes-Côte d’Azur ;
  • the International Forum on the Economic and Social Promotion of Territories in 2013 in Oujda (Morocco) with the Agence de l’Oriental ;
  • the Hub Africa in Casablanca (Morocco) in 2016 in partnership with NGE Impact, during which ANIMA set up the business to business meetings for the first time in this event ;
  • the Start-Up Africa Summit in Rabat (Morocco) in 2018, 2019 and 2020 with Start-Up Morocco, during which ANIMA coordinated the international mobilisation of participants and the meetings with investors during the events ;
  • the launch conference of THE NEXT SOCIETY in Athens (Greece) in 2017;
  • The Business & Innovation Day in Tunis (Tunisia) in 2018;
  • The Matchmaking Forum for Investment and Innovation in Cairo (Egypt) in 2019;

ANIMA mobilises its technical resources, its network, its associated experts and often the means offered by its projects for the organisation of these events. If you are interested in hosting an ANIMA event, please contact us.


“Hosting the launch conference of THE NEXT SOCIETY and two training seminars the following year in Athens allowed us to benefit from ANIMA’s network to promote Greek economic actors as well as our expertise to a large international audience.”

Vaso Kyrkou, General director, Enterprise Greece