IMPACT – Measure the impact of your business and investment projects with IMPACT RATING

Published on 13 October 2023

impact rating

ANIMA is delighted to introduce IMPACT RATING, a tool that revolutionizes how you assess the impact of your investment project or your company on your territory. Co-developed in partnership with development banks, business associations, investment promotion agencies, and environmental NGOs, IMPACT RATING is your key to a modern rating aligned with international standards in terms of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development.

Strategic Alignment with Sustainable Development Goals

IMPACT RATING goes well beyond a simple assessment. It helps you align your practices with the demands of sustainable development, preparing you for the new CSRD obligations in Europe from 2024. With this practical tool, you can precisely measure your company’s contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a crucial lever for a sustainable future.

Take Action: Try IMPACT RATING Now

Many companies and organizations have already adopted IMPACT RATING and are reaping the benefits. Find out for yourself how IMPACT RATING can transform your company using the test tool.

IMPACT RATING is customizable, and its criteria can be adjusted, making it suitable for use in different regions, countries, or companies, all in line with your strategy and priorities.

An Evaluation Based on 33 Modern Criteria

IMPACT RATING is based on 33 objective and modern criteria that allow you to compare your performance with your peers. By using these specific criteria, you can gain practical advantages such as incentives, technical support, financial backing, or even earning a prestigious label.

These criteria are grouped into four impact categories: Economic, Social, Environmental, and Territorial.

About the Project

IMPACT RATING is the result of long-term investment by the ANIMA network, with support from the European Union. It’s endorsed by the Union for the Mediterranean and recognized as a best practice by the International Trade Centre, an organization jointly operated by the WTO and the United Nations, and the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development of the United Nations UNEP-WCMC. The rating methodology was developed with support from the ENICBCMed 2014-2020 program, and its digitization was co-funded by the EBSOMED project.

Contact: Zoé Luçon, Senior Expert,