CONFERENCE & B2B – #TechDays Capitalisation Event
Country : Algérie, Tunisie, Liban, Palestine, Maroc, Jordanie, Égypte
From 20 April 2022 to 21 April 2022
The #TechDays Capitalisation Event is organised by ANIMA in the framework of THE NEXT SOCIETY with the support of France Clusters. The event will take place on April 20th and 21st and will give the floor to clusters from the MENA region to review the work done during the 5 years of implementation of the Cluster Booster Track.
Clusters from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia but also from Europe that took part in the programme are invited to make their voice heard and to evaluate the implementation of our services in order to prepare the work plan of the EUROMED CLUSTERS FORWARD project dedicated to them.
The event will take place online over 2 mornings on 20 and 21 April with panels, feedback sessions, presentations of concrete opportunities for clusters and of course B2B meetings. The first morning is aimed at cluster managers and board members, as well as policy makers, industry and research actors; while the second morning aims to connect clusters to each other in order to build cooperation, explore common visions and seek new partnerships. See the full agenda.