Business opportunities in the Mediterranean: Focus on energy in Egypt
Prepared by ANIMA under the EuroMed@Change project, this guide is a Doing business toolkit dedicated to clusters, SMEs, or entrepreneurs...
Business opportunities in the Mediterranean: Focus on energy in Morocco
Prepared by ANIMA under the EuroMed@Change project, this guide is a Doing business toolkit dedicated to clusters, SMEs, or entrepreneurs...
Business opportunities in the Mediterranean: Focus on agri-food in Morocco
Prepared by ANIMA under the EuroMed@Change project, this guide is a Doing business toolkit dedicated to clusters, SMEs, or entrepreneurs...
Business opportunities in the Mediterranean: Focus on energy in Tunisia
Prepared by ANIMA under the EuroMed@Change project, this guide is a Doing business toolkit dedicated to clusters, SMEs, or entrepreneurs...
Business opportunities in the Mediterranean: Focus on agri-food in Tunisia
Prepared by ANIMA under the EuroMed@Change project, this guide is a Doing business toolkit dedicated to clusters, SMEs, or entrepreneurs...
Business opportunities in the Mediterranean: Focus on agri-food in Egypt
Prepared by ANIMA under the EuroMed@Change project, this guide is a Doing business toolkit dedicated to clusters, SMEs, or entrepreneurs...
Business opportunities in the Mediterranean: Focus on agri-food in Lebanon
Prepared by ANIMA under the EuroMed@Change project, this guide is a Doing business toolkit dedicated to clusters, SMEs, or entrepreneurs...
Business opportunities in the Mediterranean: Focus on energy in Lebanon
Prepared by ANIMA under the EuroMed@Change project, this guide is a Doing business toolkit dedicated to clusters, SMEs, or entrepreneurs...
LACTIMED brief project
LACTIMED aims to foster the production and distribution of typical and innovative dairy products in the Mediterranean by organising local value...
Mediterranean attractiveness 2012: 4 lessons from the crisis
Despite the exceptional political situation in the Mediterranean, the figures for 2012 FDI are rather hopeful, and the region is showing a good...
Promoting Innovation in the Mediterranean
The study entitled Promoting Innovation in the Mediterranean is the result of field work, a survey of existing programmes and various workshops...
Investment and sustainable development: Minutes of the First Meeting of EDILE Strategic Council
The EDILE initiative, launched in 2011 by ANIMA Investment Network and supported by the OCEMO, aims at maximising the local benefits of...
EDILE Economic Development through Inclusive and Local Empowerment
Presentation Language ...
ANIMA-MIPO – Mediterranean Investment and Partnership Announcement Observatory
Press release ANIMA-MIPO - Mediterranean Investment and Partnership Announcement Observatory Review - First half of 2012 Language ...
Managing the transition in the Mediterranean
2011 report and impact of crises on foreign investment Language ...
On-Going Evaluation of the Project “Invest in Med”
The Evaluation of the Project "Invest in Med" started on Wednesday 14th September 2011. The evaluation work plan comprised a desk phase of 32...
ANIMA Inside – April 2012
Quarterly information letter to the network members - April 2012 Restricted to the members of our association Language ...
Water, Investment and Innovation in the Mediterranean
The 6th World Water Forum was held in Marseille on 12-17 March 2012. ANIMA took part in several events organised under the Mediterranean and...
Constrained Arab countries (in French only)
Article published on the web site in Feb. 2011 Language ...
The textile market in the Mashreq region
Find out the most recent data, all the analyses of our experts, the latest trends about textile market in the Mashreq region and in the European...
Med Tracking : Recommendations for the development of a community of innovation in the Mediterranean
Today, 90% of the world's freight transport is by seaway. Canals like Suez or the Straits (Gibraltar) are neuralgic points of these flows. Due...
Investment opportunities in the Tunisian and Egyptian energy sectors
Med Energy Study presents a comprehensive overview of the opportunities in Tunisia and Egypt, specifically for the energy sector. It is an...
FDI and revolutions (in French only)
Article published in the Afkar review of the European Institute of the Mediterranean in Barcelona (IEMed) in 2011. See the English version on...
MedFunds 2011: an overview of Private Equity in the Mediterranean
The private equity industry has developed greatly in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries since the 2000s, in particular within Arab...
Local Investment Promotion in the Mediterranean: a practical compendium
The ongoing deep social unrest shaking up most Med countries is largely a result of unbalanced economic growth. The sustainable development of...