Recommendations for reinforcing favorable conditions for typical and innovative Mediterranean dairy products
Recommendations in this advocacy appeal to institutional decision makers in charge of public policies at national, regional as well as...
Developing the typical dairy products of Alexandria and Beheira: Diagnosis and local strategy
LACTIMED carried out a diagnosis of the dairy chain in Alexandria and Beheira (Egypt) to help local authorities and support structures adopt a...
Initiatives facilitating triangular economic cooperation among Europe, South Mediterranean and Africa
Eurochambres presents projects and programs on private sector and business development on which BSOs from the Southern Mediterranean and Africa...
Business services facilitating triangular economic cooperation among Europe, South Mediterranean and Africa
Confindustria Assafrica & Mediterraneo presents services addressed to Italian companies willing to work in South Mediterranean and African...
Investment promotion services addressed to diaspora
The Moroccan Agence de l’Oriental presents its view on diaspora valorisation and explain how a local authority for investment promotion can...
Business events facilitating triangular economic cooperation among Europe, South Mediterranean and Africa
Hub Africa is the annual meeting of investors and entrepreneurs in Africa that provides multidisciplinary insights to young African...
Africa’s frontier markets: evolution and opportunities
Analysis of African dynamic economies, which have registered an unprecedented period of growth between 2000 and 2014, registering +5.5% of...
Angel investing in Europe, South Mediterranean and Africa
The European Business Angels Network presents the MENA Business Angel Network (MBAN) and the African Business Angels Network (ABAN), two major...
Best practices in mobilising economic diaspora for Mediterranean countries development
ANIMA Investment Network presents MedGeneration project and some key findings and results from an European initiative aiming at mobilising...
Best practices in valorising technical and academic high profiles from diaspora
The French Institut de Recherche pour le développement presents the vision of a public research organisation that supports innovation and...
Tunisian companies facing global markets
BFPME presenting available services and financial tools for companies allowing better access to foreign markets and strengthening cross-border...
Value chain approach for industrial cooperation and development: the case study of Ethiopia
The presentation given by the Italian Cooperation and Development Agency analyses the potential of agriculture and agro-Industry specific value...
Tourism, an opportunity for developing African countries
The network for responsible and fair tourism (ATES) presents its recommendations for fair and community based tourism that could be integrated...
Opportunities for investment in Africa: the case study of Madagascar
The presentation highlights priorities and challenges for Madagascar to develop its high growth potential sectors, in terms of value chains and...
Initiatives facilitating commercial cooperation among European, South Mediterranean and African companies
ITC gives a presentation on available databases - ITC’s Market Analysis Tools and Euromed Trade Helpdesk- which provide relevant, reliable and...
INTERREG MED 2014-2020 – Briefing on the programme
The overall objective of the European Territorial Cooperation Programme in the Mediterranean is to promote sustainable growth in the...
Investments dynamics in the Mediterrenean region
The first report of the Observatory for the co-production in the Mediterranean presents an overview of the macroeconomic situation of seven...
For the emergence of the Algerian economy
This document, produced by the Forum of Entrepreneurs in July 2015, provides a summary of proposals and recommendations for a new economic...
Investing in the Bizerte and Beja Dairy Chain – Keys to success
Are you an entrepreneur or an investor in the dairy chain? Are you interested in Tunisia? If yes, this guide is made for you. Designed as a...
MedAlliance contribution to the neighborhood policy
Synthesis of the contributions from the MedAlliance networks to the consultation launched by the European commission for the reviewing of the...
EDILE Brochure
The EDILE project brochure allows a better understanding of the objectives, missions and tools in order to optimise the local impacts of an...
Euro-Mediterranean industrial cooperation
DG Growth of European Commission presents the Euro-Mediterranean industrial cooperation programme, a platform for cooperation and best practices...
COSME 2014-2020 Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs
DG Growth of European Commission presents COSME, the EU-funded program aiming at strengthening the competitiveness and sustainability of the...
EU Trade Policy and market access in the Southern Mediterranean
DG Trade of the European Commission presents initiatives supporting Euro-Mediterranean trade relations that have as objective the creation of a...
Agadir Agreement for the Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade area
The Agadir Agreement is a free trade agreement among Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia and it is part of the Barcelona Process. Its aim is to...
Regional Convention on pan-Euro-Mediterranean preferential rules of origin
La DG TAXUD de la Commission européenne présente le système pan-euro-méditerranéen de cumul de l'origine. Cet instrument vise dans le long...
Private sector development approach in ENP South
DG Growth of European Commission presents the EU’s regional support to private sector, investments, trade, and business development in...
Horizon 2020 Funding Opportunities for the Southern Mediterranean
DG Research and Innovation of European Commission presents Horizon 2020, the new European Union programme for research and innovation for...
Advocating the EU Channels and Institutions
IHK North, Association of North German CCIs, has developed a strong expertise in lobbying activities with European Institutions. IHK North...
European technical standards/legislation and implications for business
DG GROW of the European Commission presents its activities in supporting the use of common standards to enhance the competitiveness of European...