6TH POLICY LAB – Policy reforms boosting the Algerian innovation ecosystem
From 26 October 2021 to 26 October 2021
On October 26, 15.30 pm CEST, INSME in partnership with THE NEXT SOCIETY will present the 6th Policy Lab discussing reforms that could boost the Algerian innovation ecosystem.
Since Europe is introducing important measures to help SMEs recover from the pandemic, with a great emphasis on the green and digital transition as the way forward; simultaneously, Algerian institutions are enacting policies and tools to foster innovation, entrepreneurship and the growth of SMEs and start-ups. The government’s start-up accelerator “A-Venture” has been inaugurated in Algiers by the Minister of Knowledge Economy and Start-ups, with the objective of making start-ups a driving force for new economic development. Simultaneously, the government is addressing the global issue of lack of financing for SMEs, launching the “Algerian Start-up Fund” in collaboration with COSOB and public banks, to invest in operations with equity and quasi-equity. Furthermore, the Bourse d’Alger is creating an ad-hoc compartment for SMEs and start-ups willing to go public.
Are such initiatives effective? What is their impact on the Algerian entrepreneurial ecosystem?
By attending the event, organised within THE NEXT SOCIETY project, you will understand recent reforms and tools put in place to favour start-ups and SMEs in Algeria, such as Algeria Venture and Algerian Start-up Fund.
The Policy Lab, organised in the framework of the EU funded project THE NEXT SOCIETY, will see the participation of:
- Giovanni Zazzerini, Secretay General, INSME, Italy, moderating the webinar
- Abdelhakim Berrah, COSOB President, Algeria
- Noureddine Ouadah, Startups & Incubators Director, Ministry of Startups, Algeria
- SidAli Zerrouki, CEO of Algeria Venture, Algeria
- Yazid Benmouhoub, General manager Algiers Stock Exchange, Algeria
Register here to attend the event and more information here