#Techdays Catch Up: EU & MENA Innovators Matchmaking Event
8 September 2021
Participate in the #TechDays Catch Up! organized by AWEX on 8 September 2021, an EU and MENA matchmaking event dedicated to connecting cluster managers, policymakers, industry players, academia and TTOs to exchange expertise and visions, develop cross-institution partnerships, and explore market expansion opportunities.
This event that focuses on the stakes of digitalization as an opportunity to export and expand internationally stage will offer different sessions on:
- Knowing your country / national ecosystem, a critical success factor – Presentation of the digital ecosystem in the Walloon Region
- Digital future of the agro-food industry and its evolution towards 4.0
- Towards the new caring – Digital Transformation of the E-health
- Safeguard your business and reputation, be cyber-bulletproof
- How can a Wallonia Export & Investment Agency support its Digital Economy ecosystem to growth?
Register for the morning sessions.
Register for the afternoon sessions.
This event is the second of a series of 3 #Techdays: Meet Up (29 & 30 June), Catch Up (8 September) and Match Up (12 & 13 October 2021) during which clusters, SMEs, start-ups, researchers and industry experts from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia and Europe are invited to discuss common visions and explore potential partnerships.
#TechDays are a series of events designed by THE NEXT SOCIETY whole goals are to:
- Bring about collaborations among MENA innovators and with their EU peers, with clusters playing a key role in the value chain.
- Promote cluster and network cooperation and explore common visions among MENA countries and with Europe;
- Initiate discussions that would ultimately result in Letters of Interest, Memorandum of Understanding, and other types of partnership agreements;
- Highlight innovations from MENA countries and illustrate the importance to develop suitable solutions to the distinctive features of these markets;
- Initiate a co-creative process for solutions by bringing out ideas of pilot projects associating researchers, companies, industry experts and clusters.
For more information on the Catch Up! event, contact Milena Gvozden at milena.gvozden@diplobel.fed.be .
This event is organized by AWEX in partnership with Digital Wallonia, CETIC, INFOPOLE Cluster TIC, and Wagralim.