Capitalization and dissemination of best practices among a community of Green Growth projects

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • France
  • Greece
  • Italy
  • Spain

The Horizontal Project (HP) Green Growth is a community of 14 modular projects dealing with topics related to Green Growth such as agri-food, eco-innovation, waste management, smart cities and green public procurement. The objective of the HP Green Growth is to support the 14 modular projects in their communication and capitalisation efforts, in order to increase their impact at the policy level and to ensure the potential transfer of their results to other interested countries in the Mediterranean region.
The Interreg MED Green Growth Community already exists since 2017 and several activities have been carried out with the aim of stimulating green growth in Mediterranean countries, such as transnational events, business seminars and thematic working groups related to the key action areas of the EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy: 1) energy efficiency; 2) smart and green public services; 3) waste prevention and management; and 4) competitiveness and innovation.
The Interreg MED Green Growth Community already exists since 2017 and several activities have been carried out with the aim of stimulating green growth in Mediterranean countries, such as transnational events, business seminars and thematic working groups related to the key action areas of the EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy: 1) PCD: energy efficiency; 2) smart and green public services; 3) waste prevention and management; and 4) competitiveness and innovation.
The launch of the 2nd phase of the project at the end of 2019 aimed to build on the achievements and further capitalize on the specific objectives of the programme and the thematic communities, through a positioning at three levels: strategic, thematic and territorial.

green growth | policy advocacy | regional cooperation