Cluster4Green: Promoting clusters and value chains of innovative SMEs in support of sustainable development
- Egypt
- France
- Italy
- Jordan
- Spain
- Tunisia
- 2021
- 2022
- 2023
Cluster4Green has created economic opportunities by supporting the promotion and development of the circular economy in the Mediterranean. The objectives of this project were to encourage and support VSEs, SMEs and clusters to adopt innovative circular economy processes, promote investments with positive social and environmental impacts, and strengthen collaboration between public and private players to promote the circular economy and socially and environmentally responsible investments.
As part of this, ANIMA has developed the IMPACT RATING online tool, tailored to each target country, to assess the economic, social, environmental and territorial impacts of companies’ projects in order to help them improve their sustainability performance and promote their efforts.
Cluster4Green has also enabled the implementation of 4 national sustainable investment programmes in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Tunisia, supporting businesses through the development of sustainability labels and SME support programmes coordinated by ANIMA. Finally, an annual congress organised in Egypt and a conference attended by over 200 participants in Tunisia highlighted the project’s achievements.
In all, 60 SMEs involved in the development of circular economy business models in Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon have received support and guidance.